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Stepper Motors


Steps per revolution

Number of steps the motor takes to complete one revolution

  • 200 for 1.8°
  • 400 for 0.9°


Number of microsteps your driver is configured to use per full step.

mm per revolution

For a leadscrew or ballscrew system

mm_per_revolution=lead of the screw (in mm)\text{mm\_per\_revolution} = \text{lead of the screw (in mm)}

For a belt-driven system

mm_per_revolution=belt pitch (mm)×number of teeth on pulley\text{mm\_per\_revolution} = \text{belt pitch (mm)} \times \text{number of teeth on pulley}


Pulley: 2GT-20T

mm_per_revolution = 2mm × 20 = 40mm

Steps per mm

The formula to calculate steps_per_mm is:

steps_per_mm=steps_per_revolution×microstepsmm_per_revolution\text{steps\_per\_mm} = \frac{\text{steps\_per\_revolution} \times \text{microsteps}}{\text{mm\_per\_revolution}}


5=200×140 \text{5} = \frac{\text{200} \times \text{1}}{\text{40 }}

800=200×16040 \text{800} = \frac{\text{200} \times \text{160}}{\text{40 }}

TB6600 Microstepping Settings

The TB6600 stepper driver supports various microstepping settings controlled by three DIP switches (SW1, SW2, and SW3). Below is a table showing the switch configurations and the corresponding microstepping modes:

Microstep SettingSW1SW2SW3Steps per Revolution (for a 200-step motor)
Full Step (1)OFFOFFOFF200
Half Step (1/2)ONOFFOFF400
Quarter Step (1/4)OFFONOFF800
Eighth Step (1/8)ONONOFF1600
Sixteenth Step (1/16)OFFOFFON3200
Thirty-second Step (1/32)ONOFFON6400